Application of Rasch Model in Determining the Quality of the Malaysian Military Spirituality Assessment Instrument
This analysis aims to determine the quality of the instrument used in assessing the spirituality of Malaysian military personnel known as INPERO. INPERO consists of 205 items and is administered to 400 Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) Muslims in the Central Division, namely Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This instrument was developed to measure four dimensions: i) appreciation of faith; ii) appreciation of worship; iii) moral appreciation; iv) the appreciation of Islam in the MAF Ikrar Kesatria. In this analysis, the Rasch model was used to test the quality of INPERO from validity and reliability. The Rasch model was used to assess both respondent and item reliability. Therefore, it is more comprehensive than relying solely on Cronbach's Alpha (α) value. Item functionality was assessed using the Winsteps Version software regarding reliability and item-respondent separation, as well as fit and consistency of items measuring constructs and residual correlation values. The final INPERO has 190 items that were intended to measure the four spiritual assessment constructs. Since this is a real analysis, the distribution of real respondents can be conducted to evaluate all four dimensions of spiritual assessment for MAF Muslim military personnel.