Study Of Cancer Of Ovaries In Females And Its Linked With The Stem Cells Present In Body
Aim: Cells which initiate cancer cells in the body are somehow known as stem cells. They help to initiate cancer or tumor cells in the body, after initiation further division occur and a full-fledged disease formed as cancer/tumor.
Methods: These cells are not homogeneous to each other and after development they start their division into groups. These cells have several qualities which help them to grow in the body and make their roots stronger. They have characteristics as they can grow and replicate by themselves and also nourish themselves.
Results: They did not need any other stimuli to feed them. They started continuously growing and finally a tumor occurs in the human body. Different researches have done to check the main cause of cancer and how stem cells get generated.
Conclusion: They were unable to find the reason, now another research has made to find out the reason of cancer cells which are increasing day by day in ovaries of female which we called as cancer of ovaries. Here its initiation level and characteristics will be discussed.