“Knowledge Regarding Antenatal Investigations Among Primigravida Attending Antenatal Clinics”
Antenatal care knowledge proves to be vital in accessing antenatal care and improves in the health care seeking behaviour of antenatal women. Aim: To assess the knowledge regarding antenatal investigation among primigravida. Setting & Design: Study was done in antenatal clinics of selected hospital & the design adopted for this study was Non experimental descriptive design.
Materials & Methods: A total of 100 participants were selected for the study using a non probability purposive sampling method. A set of questionnaire which was based on knowledge regarding antenatal investigations was constructed and reliability score achieved was 0.8 Results: Results revealed that 49% samples had average knowledge regarding antenatal investigation, 47% had poor knowledge, whereas only 4% had good knowledge. The means score was 7.99 with SD +2.54.Conclusion: There is a statistically significant relationship between Primigravida mother’s age and the number of prenatal appointments, which reveals that more the number of visits the more exposure to knowledge could be conclusive.